Flat Top Li-Ion ICR18650 3.7V 2200 mAh rechargeable battery (2 pcs)
Skype ID: szeyoungsales
1. Battery Model Number: ICR 18650.
2. Battery Shell material: Li-ion.
3. Dimension: Diameter: 18.2±2mm; Height: 64.5±0.5mm
4. Normal Voltage: 3.7V.
5. Normal Capacity: 2200mAh.
6. Internal Impedance: ≤80mΩ
7. Limited Charge Voltage: 4.25V
Charging conditions ( Recommend): 360~2200mah charge to 4.2V, Constant pressure charge ≤20mA.
8. Discharge cut-off Voltage: 2.75V
9. Cycle life: 500 cycles( ≥80% C5mAh)
10. Weight: 100g
11. Operating temperature range:Charging:-20 ~ + 45 °C, Discharge:-20 ~ + 60 °C, Storage:-5 ~ + 35 °C.
12. Use relative humidity: 65 + 20%
USE for ecig, flash light, digital cameras,CD players, portable audio devices, hand held games,2way radios, PDAs,
and other portable high drain digital elctronic product, and so on.
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